- General
- Obtain
- Hydra, EA, E4E, CompCo, ITS, IIP, ActAdmin, Pharos
- Boxes Password
- Alarm Code
- Staff Key
- Mailbox
- T-shirt
- Lanyard
- Phone
- Checking Voicemail; Creating temporary greeting
- Transferring calls
- Common hold
- Group pick-up
- Call divert
- Program Ring
- Using cordless Headset; Location of battery
- Hunt-group Ring order
- Solicitors
- Referrals
- Billing/CP Front Desk
- HSIS (college of medicine & medical center)
- Residential computing
- Registrar
- Computer Store
- AR
ITS Remedy System
- Creating Tickets
- Dispatching Tickets
- Closing Tickets
- Queries
- CompCo
- Accessing Compco
- Creating Tickets [Telephone | Radio | Network]
- Adding/Printing Tickets
- Canceling Tickets
- Searching
- Web-Based Version
- NACSRC login
- Keybinding issues
- Corporate
- Server
- Opening agendas (single, group)
- Resource Schedules [Labs | Digital Cameras | Conference Room]
- Accepting/Creating Entries & Meetings
- Access Rights
- Printing
- Web-based Version
- Who to contact for help
- Software
- License info online
- Who to contact for Support
- Who to contact for more info
- Renewal Procedure
- Filemaker entries (GONE!)
- Checking out Software
- Waiting list entries
- Searching
- Creating new entries
- Printing Reports for Business Office
- STATA checkout Procedure (do we still need this?)
- Digital
Camera Checkout
- Location & key
- Checkout Binder
- Blacklist
- Location of new checkout sheets
- Reservations
- Camera Specific Information (operating each camera | Downloading
the pictures)
- UCInetID
- kinit check
- group and geust accounts
- change policy, info, and online request form
- password length
- password reset procedure
Account Specific Problems
- Changing Orion Passwords
- Quota problems (checking quota | checking inbox size)
- E4E vacation message
- ECE student accounts
- EA .login & .schrc problems
- EA mailbox problems
- EA webpages
- PEO/Account
Locked Procedures
- Online Documentation
- Who to call
- Accessing database
- Searching
- Traffic School
E-mail Problems
- Forwarding
- Multiple Accounts
- Vacation messages
- Delivery point
- Listservs (Online Info & who to contact)
- Pine
- Eudora Pro
- Outlook Express
- Telephone
- Call divert
- Volume/Ringer
- Cant access off-campus/long distance
- Pre-Set diversion point
- Service Requests
- Voicemail
- Off-campus access
- Voicemail Password reset
- Change greeting
- Troubleshooting access
- Modem
Connectivity Problems
- UCInet Spcific: Quota Exceeded | Troubleshooting
| Online Handouts
- Zotnet
- Other ISP
- OS specific issues: PC | Mac | Linux | PDA
- Radio
- Serial Number
- CompCo entry (where & how many to print)
- Network
- Ping
- Nslookup
- Dbinfo
- Traceroute
- DNS problems
- Accessing Hypercard (BE GONE WITH YOU!)
- IP address request - online form
- New network connection request
- Monitoring webpages ( EWS | EWS2 | Internet weather | Router
weather )
- Basic
Unix Commands
- more: elaborates more; cp: copy; rm: remove;
pwd: pathblah; passwd: change pw; ls: list directory; gsu, su,
sudo, man, who, finger, pico
- proceed...
- below...
- Labs
- Basics
- Consultant Machine
- Lab Problem Reports
Activation Kiosks
Login Problems
Lost & Found
Opening/Closing the Labs
- Printer/PayPrint
- PHAROS Remote
Using the card Writer
Location of Paper/Toner
Using the Color Printer
Photoshop Problems
- Scanner
- TWAIN Acquire
- Ops
- NACS Machines
Lab Machines
PayPrint Machines
- Weather
- MTA Mail Queue
- Router Weather
Internet Weather
- Machine
- Core
PC and Mac Services
- Procedures
- After Hours Service Area Summary
- After Hours Notification Procedures
- After Hours On-Call List
- After Hours Contact Info
- Operations Windows NT Procedures
- Networker Backup Software