.:|[ N A C S   P r o j e c t s . . .

.: NACS T-shirt ideas: (02.06.03)

With the updated "hex" theme i did for the toolbar1 logo, i thought the design would look good on a t-shirt, so i adapted it... then came up with another idea... here are the two i've done so far...
- nacsshirt.html

.: RC Training Guide website update:

I'm almost finished with this project... im just adding enhancements... such as, detail pages with screen shots, etc... heres the updated link. I had to use frames since iframes dont work in netscape.
- NACS RC Training Guide :: General | Lab | Ops

.: RC Toolbar enhancements: (12.20.02)

Ray asked me to "make a better logo" for the toolbar, so here are the two i came up with...
- toolbar.html (btw, these arent fully functional at all, especially if you're not on the right network)
- toolbar2.html
- Implemented to http://www.nacs.uci.edu/iip/rc/toolbar/ (need password)

.: RC Badge Project:
viewall (09.27.02)
I started with the same theme from my student website project, and tried some other ideas I that came to mind...
- NACS Badge 01
   - hexagon theme
- NACS Badge 02.a
   - reflection theme

- NACS Badge 02.b
   - reflection theme, with batman forever font
- NACS Badge 03
   - window letters with hexagon theme

- NACS Badge 04.a
   - simple theme
- NACS Badge 04.b
   - simple theme with a twist of transparency

.: RC Training Guide Website Project: (09.28.02)
The goal was to create a website with everything you need to know to become an RC OpCon. You should be able to sit down on the website, and pretty much learn almost everything, so that when you get person-to-person training, you'll have the basic idea down, and that should minimize the time needed to train newbies. ;-)

So far, i've only STARTED the lab consultant section. I'm doing the basic layout first, then i'll worry about the actual content. Dont pay attention to the content right now, its all there just for proxy.
- NACS RC Training Guide :: General | Lab | Ops

.: Flyer Project: (09.05.02)
This project was for a ZOTnet flyer for the techexpo, but it was never used because updates to it couldnt be made in time for the expo.
- ZOTnet Flyer
- ZOTnet Flyer updated
- ZOTnet Flyer updated (higher quality)

.: Student Project: (Fall of 2001)
This project was assigned to all RC students... We were to create a Website using our EA/Hydra/E4E webspace.
- Student Webpage on EA webspace (you need a UCI ip address to access this) :: NACS